\usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{center} %\fbox{ \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{scope}[ box1/.style={draw=black, thick, rectangle,rounded corners, minimum height=0.75cm, minimum width=0.75cm}] \draw[black,dashed,fill=red!30] (-.5,-3.2) rectangle (3.2,.5); \node[box1, fill=green!30] (c1) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, right=.125cm of c1] (c2) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, right=.125cm of c2] (c3) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, right=.125cm of c3] (c4) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, below=.125cm of c4] (c5) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, left=.125cm of c5] (c6) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, left=.125cm of c6] (c7) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, left=.125cm of c7] (c8) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, below=.125cm of c8] (c9) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, right=.125cm of c9] (c10) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, right=.125cm of c10] (c11) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, right=.125cm of c11] (c12) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, below=.125cm of c12] (c13) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, left=.125cm of c13] (c14) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, left=.125cm of c14] (c15) {}; \node[box1, fill=green!30, left=.125cm of c15] (c15) {}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} %} \end{center}